Children: 3 and 20 years old; Assistant Professor
Tag: Southwest USA
Marcie (White) – Southwest USA
Children: 10, 11, and 17 years old; Assistant Professor
Laura (white) – southwest USA
Children: 14 years old; Adjunct Professor
Jessica (White) – southwest USA
Children: 11 and 6 years old; PhD candidate
Jess (White) – southwest USA
Children: 9 years old; PhD Candidate, Associate Professor, Dean
Sandy (white) – Southwest USA
Children: 12 year old; Associate Professor
Ashley (Caucasian) – Southwest USA
Children: 8 years old; Assistant Professor
Jessica (White) – Southwest USA
Children: 4 years old & 3 months old; PhD candidate
Reeci (Caucasian) – Southwest USA
Children: 10 & 9 years old; Graduate student
Lindsey (White/Latina) – Southwest USA
Children: 2 years old; Graduate student