Children: 22 and 24 years old; PhD candidate
Tag: West USA
Heidi (Latinx) – Western USA
Children: 3 and 9 years old; Graduate student
NJ (Québécoise) West USA
Children: 17 years old; Lecturer
Robin (Ashkenazi Jewish) – West USA
Children: 3.6 month twins; PhD candidate
Erin (white) – West USA
Children: 7 years old; Assistant Professor
Jidong (Asian) – West USA
Children: 7 and 4 years old; Professor
Roxanne (Chicana) – West USA
Children: 7 and 2 years old; Lecturer
Jessica (White) – West USA
Children: 2 years old; Lecturer
Maira (Mexican-American) – West USA
Children: 4 years old; Adjunct Faculty
Erin (Caucasian) – West USA
Children: 3 years old and 7 years old; PhD student