Children: 22 and 24 years old; PhD candidate
Month: May 2021
Kara (White) – Northwest USA
Children: 6.5 years old; PhD candidate
Kimberly (White, American of Ashkenazi Jewish, Western European, and Syrian descent) – Southeast USA
Children: 4 years old; Graduate student, PhD candidate
Rachelle (White) – Northwest USA
Children: 2 and 4 years old; Academic advisor, community educator
Heidi (Latinx) – Western USA
Children: 3 and 9 years old; Graduate student
Jayashree (South Asian (India)) – Northeast USA
Children: 4 years old; Graduate student
Katharina (white) – Southeast USA
Children: 8 and 11 years old; PhD student
Meg (White) – Midwest USA
Children: 4 years old; Associate Professor
Tara (White) – Northeast USA
Children: 3 and 7 years old; Assistant Professor
Julia (White) – Northeast USA
Children: 11 months old; PhD Candidate