Children: 10 years old; PhD candidate
Tag: PhD candidate
Sarah (White) – Northeast USA
Children: 3 years old; PhD candidate, instructional designer
Teresa (white) – Germany / Colombia
Children: 4 years old; PhD candidate
Jessica (White) – southwest USA
Children: 11 and 6 years old; PhD candidate
Rachel (English – Australian) – Australia
Children: 21, 7 and 5 years old; PhD Candidate, Lecturer
Jess (White) – southwest USA
Children: 9 years old; PhD Candidate, Associate Professor, Dean
KD (Black American) – West USA
Children: 22 and 24 years old; PhD candidate
Kara (White) – Northwest USA
Children: 6.5 years old; PhD candidate
Kimberly (White, American of Ashkenazi Jewish, Western European, and Syrian descent) – Southeast USA
Children: 4 years old; Graduate student, PhD candidate
Julia (White) – Northeast USA
Children: 11 months old; PhD Candidate