Children: 1 and 4 years old; PhD student
Tag: PhD student
Aisulu (Kazakh) – Kazakhstan
Children: 12, 10 and 3 years old; PhD student
Reine (Arab) – Lebanon
Children: 3.8 years old and 7 months old; PhD Student, Lecturer
Kujang (African – South Sudanese) – Midwest USA
Children: 5 years old; PhD Student
Katharina (white) – Southeast USA
Children: 8 and 11 years old; PhD student
Nadia ((Dutch) Caribbean, Aruban) – Aruba
Children: 6 and 2 years old; Phd Candidate, Lecturer
Kelly (White) – Eastern USA
Children: 3 and 6 and years old; PhD Candidate
Melis (half Turkish, half Greek) – Western Turkey
Children: 4 years old; PhD student
Ada (Persian) – Pacific USA
Children: 7 months (actual 4 months corrected, born very premature at 24 weeks); PhD student
Jessica (White) – Southwest USA
Children: 4 years old & 3 months old; PhD candidate