Children: 3 and 20 years old; Assistant Professor
Author: Anna CohenMiller
A. S. CohenMiller is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan. Dr. CohenMiller interests focus on include exploring multimodal/arts-informed aspects of qualitative research, especially as it relates to the recruitment, retention, and equity for girls and women throughout the educational trajectory from early childhood education to full professor. She is also the Founding Co-Editor and Managing Editor of Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy (
Marcie (White) – Southwest USA
Children: 10, 11, and 17 years old; Assistant Professor
Sarah (White) – Northeast USA
Children: 3 years old; PhD candidate, instructional designer
Anna (Black American) – Southern UK
Children: 8 months and 5 years old; PhD student
Almira (Kazakh) – North Kazakhstan
Children: 4 and 7 years old; PhD student
Teresa (white) – Germany / Colombia
Children: 4 years old; PhD candidate
Caitlin (White) – Southeast USA
Children: 3 and 18 years old; Associate Professor
Mariya (Kazakh) – North Kazakhstan
Children: 2 years old; PhD student
Aizhan (Kazakh) – North Kazakhstan
Children: 1 and 4 years old; PhD student
Erin (white) – western USA
Children: 4 and 6 years old; Adjunct Professor, Lecturer